
Showing posts from November 20, 2020

Late November. 13 year old Boy commits to ski every day, components for success in home schooling, Eco Pen, Make a little restaurant for the Animals who visit your yard, sweater recycling, Alaska Kids, lights to light the darker nights during the winter months, Break from the What if cycle, A man who has made himself immune to snake bites, to help humans bit by snakes, by teaching himself along the way.

Home schooling success.  3 main components for success Consistency * Boundaries * Structure ABC Morning News, child Psychologist 11/20/20 13 year old boy, Jackson Hole commits to ski every day check out the video Eco pen. Make a restaurant for the yard animals. RECYCLING Crayons. Giving to local schools to help them. Clothing to sweater recycling

Frida Kahlo (Check Out also, Diego Rivera Murals @ the Detroit Institute of Art.) Bike, Brooklyn Bell, Eduardo Arruda, Finger Biking film, Training for the Trans BC Enduro, And replenishing 5000 calories a day in the Tour de France, COVID 19 and VITAMElectolytes, what are they, how do we replace them? Smart Family Blog, a plan for debt resolution, School Bus as a Home? Eco Fundraising-Savers Corp, Fall Enrichment Ornithology, Cornell Lab for Ornithology, Environment, Gardening Soil, Alek Wek on returning to South Sudan, Bertrand Russell on, "Love is wise, Hatred is Foolish", Parkinson's disease and Concussion, Principles for better sport training and life, Bill Gates Highest Rated Reads, Dying cloth with food scraps, How to take one day and Travel from Home, Hunter Norwood and His Ice Cream Truck bring Inspiration and Self Esteem to this Down Syndrome CEO, Chemistry at home, Alpinism Analogy, A Cranberry Bog becomes a larger Environment, Allowing Land to Revert to it's Natural State, Mobius Strip, Roller Skating and Black Lives Matter.

“I am my own muse. I am the subject I know best. The subject I want to better.” — Frida Kahlo IMPORTANT NEWS HERE. To up your Blood serum levels for Covid19 prevention. Covid D3 vitamin deficiency. Adults of normal weight need at least 2,000 to 3,000 IU each day of vitamin D3 to prevent insufficiency, children need 1000 IU each day. New COVID-19 Study Reveals Major Vitamin D Deficiency Problem: There's a Solution <img alt="Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., R.D.N." title="Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., R.D.N." class="editor-info__image" src=",q_auto:eco,f_auto,fl_lossy/usr/SEeG8lh/ashley-jordan-ferira-phd-rdn.jpg"> mbg Director of Scientific Affairs By Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., R.D.N. New COVID-19 Study Reveals Major Vitamin D Deficiency Problem: There's a Solution