Wednesday April 15. Day 4 of The Structure of Home School Design and tools, websites and Apps I've come across for the days we School from home during Covid 19/The Corona Virus Quarantine
Blog day 4. 4/15/2020 Use the Date, time of year, How many days we have been in Quarantine as discussion points. Subject matter spans across subject titles. Pick any that apply to your home. This could be today's, a semester, or years worth of discussion points or topics to learn. Pick one at a time or more, use and share freely. 1. Morning Meeting . Many opportunities to bring curriculum into the discussion and go on with throughout your day. Start with breakfast. Talk about the nutritional values of the food you are eating. Research what vitamins are in each food. i.e. in Vegetables, which nutrients do they contain? Fruits? Grain/carbohydrates, Breakfast Bars, The ingredients on the Cereal box, How much sugar does each contain? What is an acceptable amount of each nutrient for each day? For the weight of the person, age? What nutrients are added ? Is the food Organic (Certified to be Pesticide free, from seed to table, what does that mean?