Helping your Neighbors in Need, Canadian Maritimes by Train, Nike Makes shoe parts into Face Masks, Lynne Cox, and Cold Exposure, Hypothermia, Acclimation, Training, Endurance, and Rewarming, Breaking Down Barriers between Countries while Challenging herself. Swimming to Antarctica, Explorer, Roald Amundsen, New Zealand, Russia, Make Eclairs
THURSDAY 5/7 "Your mindset is dictated by those around you. Surround yourself with people who support you." Cold Water Swimmer, Lynne Cox COMMUNITY SERVICE. Helping others. INSPIRED. Helping those in Need “I am your farmer, your nurse, your provider, healer and protector. Bio security is nothing new for me as a hog farmer, keep the pathogens low, the herd is protected and thrives. This is the same theory behind social distancing. I know many are feeling the strain both mentally and financially due to this invisible enemy, but please keep doing what you are doing and stay home, stay away from friends and family until this passes…for those of you who think this isn’t real, or is being blown out of proportion, you’re dead wrong….if you could see what I see, you would change your mind…please do your part to keep me, my family, and our animals safe. My greatest fear isn’t dying from this, it’s giving it to someone I love.” https://www.ediblecommunities