Innovation, Steam Cars to Clipper ships, (refer to the May Day post 5/1) to World Circumnavigation and Evolution to the design of Sailboats from long ago to now, Engineering, Math and History.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday 5/6 Dare The Wind, Flying Cloud and the Clipper ship who set the world record with a woman Navigator in the 1860's AMERICA”S HISTORY, Written in Stories of Adventurers and Entrepreneurs READ Flying Cloud, Written by David W. Shaw LEARN PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY also ran some of the earliest steamboats on the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers , between San Francisco , Sacramento , and Stockton . Domingo Marcucci who came from Philadelphia in the Pacific Mail steamship OREGON with a knocked-down steamboat in its hold, started a shipyard in San Francisco on September 18, 1849. It was located on the beach at Happy Valley , at the foot of Folsom Street, east of Beale Street. Marcucci's company assembled the CAPTAIN SUTTER in six weeks. Built for the ASPINWALL STEAM TRANSPORTATION