
Showing posts from July 4, 2020

Happy 4th of July, some history about the USA and the symbols that have come to represent our nation and the changes we have evolved through.

Plymouth Rock, Plymouth, MA.   © envisage photo The Monument that surrounds Plymouth Rock in Plymouth, MA © envisage photo How they shouted! What rejoicing! How the old bell shook the air, Till the clang of freedom ruffled, The calmly gliding Delaware!  –Author Unknown located in Boston, I believe on the first Public School of our Nation  © envisage photo In our family we celebrated Canada Day, on July 1, for the part of our family who are Canadian, and today we celebrate July 4th, for our American family, our Independence Day from England. Below is some of the History. Please search further.  located in Boston near the Capital Building   © envisage photo cap ·i·tal 1  |  ˈkapədl  |  noun 1  ( also  capital city  or  town )  the most important city or town  of   a   country  or region, usually its seat of  government  and administrative center :  Warsaw is the capital of Poland .  •  [ with  modifier ]  a place associated more than any other