
Showing posts from April 13, 2020

Happy Monday April 13. Work Smarter, not harder, finding the Tools to bring us Success

It's rainy morning here. Grey with bright colors of spring flowers blooming, punctuating the browns and greens of spring. image available on Google Images. many options there for your Zoom Background Today began at 5:45 for us. As a family we usually go to a sunrise service at a local tree farm where my family lives. I can only remember a handful of years in my life that I haven't gone to this. So, because we couldn't be with my parents at home. We decided to do our own sunrise service at a beach we can walk to from our house. We tested FaceTime outside with my parents the day before while I was working in the garden, continuing to plant as I feel we need the food security of seeds pushing up through dirt in containers and in the ground we have available to us. Sunrise service went well, and gave me something new to cherish with my parents.  sunrise service picking daffodils as the sun hits the first places on our local turning earth Annabelle our Easte