August is here. Small footprint living,
School supplies, if you need any. Made in the USA Looking for at home schooling or back to school items to fill your pencil case? Look for products made in the USA General’s Pencils Crayola Crayon d’ache, masse from recycled Nespresso Pod containers. Ticonderoga, These pencils were Made in Ticonderoga, New York for many years, sadly their production has been " offshored " to China. off · shore | ˌôfˈSHôr , ˌäfˈSHôr | adjective 1 situated at sea some distance from the shore : this huge stretch of coastline is dominated by offshore barrier islands . • (of a wind) blowing toward the sea from the land : offshore winds . • relating to the business of extracting oil or gas from the seabed : a safety regime for the offshore industry . 2 made, situated, or registered abroad, especially in order to take ad